There's No Room for Discouragement When You're Being Patient

This weeks message is around the quote "patience require[s] actively working toward worthwhile goals and not getting discouraged when results [don't] appear instantly or without effort" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

Hello Warrior,

As you pursue your dreams, remember that every small victory, every lesson learned, and every obstacle overcome is a vital part of your growth. Embrace the beauty of patience as you actively work towards your goals, knowing that the results you seek will manifest in their own perfect time.

In this week’s video, I share with you where my life was at and how I was feeling when I first really noticed this quote. Since then, I’ve come to some profound realizations about moving towards my mission. Watch the video for the lessons that I learned.

Let’s recap your call to action here.

In order to prevent yourself from feeling discouraged and lacking patience, follow these four steps:

1) Talk to someone who has already accomplished what you want to do.
2) Stay focused on your desired results.
3) Have someone you trust to talk to.
4) Journal.

You will find strength in patience and endurance in your pursuit of greatness. Keep your vision clear, your heart steadfast, and your determination unwavering. You have the power to achieve incredible things, and patience will be your trusted ally on this remarkable journey. Don’t get discouraged, it’s going to be worth every tough moment getting there.

I believe in you!


Lawrence Stone
[email protected]
#thebassictrainer #watchwhathappens

P.S. I actually have a keynote presentation that is similar to this message. I designed it with young adults in mind. It introduces my course on “Building the Life of Your Dreams.” Click on the link below to check it out.

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DISC Behavior Profile: IS
Clifton Strengths: Context, Belief, Futuristic, Individualization, and Connectedness.